Many small business owners may not be aware of the hidden costs of employee turnover. While the causes of employee turnover may be unavoidable in certain small business (constraining salary budgets, lack of career track progression) many other factors may be in play. The exit interview is not a forum for changing a departing employee's mind, but it may be the forum for finding out how you can prevent any future losses. In November 2012, the Center for American Progress published a study in which they estimated that: "• For workers earning less than $50,000 annually.... Business Costs to Replacing Employees = 20 percent of salary, the same as across positions earning $75,000 a year or less..." • Among positions earning $30,000 or less... The typical cost of turnover ... is 16 percent of an employee’s annual salary" So what should you ask, and who should do the asking? Exit interviews can be done in-person or after the departure of an employee via computerized...
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