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Showing posts from June, 2016

From Conflict to Cooperation

In recent years, increasing numbers of clients are asking for help mediating disputes between individuals whose relationships are having a knock-on effect with their teams, the wider organization, and inevitably, their clients and customers. Most frequently, these conflicts result from a confusion of roles and responsibilities, thereby creating tension in decision making, agreeing the scope of responsibility, and taking accountability between individuals.  This confusion, coupled with tight deadlines, large work loads and functional and cross functional accountabilities, leads to chaos and frequently, poor leadership.  Yet it is in this state that individuals can choose to make successful or disastrous decisions, or be guided into previously unthought-of realms of possibilities and solutions.  It is here that the role of mediation or if possible, self-mediation (a core leadership skill) is a requirement. The cost of conflict in companies often goes unrecognized as...